
Crater on Synology

Install Crater on Synology NAS. This is a program to track expenses and payments and create invoices.

Crater on Synology-heroimage


Please note that this blog post was originally written in German and has been translated for your convenience. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, there may be translation errors. I apologize for any discrepancies or misunderstandings that may result from the translation and I am grateful for any corrections in the comments or via mail.


Crater is an open-source invoicing program.


I use a Synology NAS. It is a DS220+(Amazon Affiliate Link) with 10 GB RAM(Amazon Affiliate Link).

However, Crater only requires a few resources. The instructions can also be applied analogously to other devices with Docker.

A reverse proxy manager in the network is helpful, regardless of whether it is located onanother device or the Synology NAS. Also, a domain accordingly.


Docker should be installed on the NAS. I have written here more about setting up a Synology DiskStation.

User Docker

I first set up a Docker group for better rights management.

Set up a group for Docker

I create a new user who will ultimately have the rights to the Crater container.

Create new user

I add this user to the Docker group.

Add user to the Docker group

Creating a single user for each service is too time-consuming, so I only have one Docker user.

Crater folder

Next, I need a folder in which I want to save all the files. In my case, the folder ends up in the docker shared folder. I remember the path of the folder; in my case, it is /volume1/docker/crater, and I grant all permissions to the docker user.


I also check the box that it should apply to subfolders.

Git Server

I install the Git server from the package center.

Install Git Server

This makes it easier for me to clone the repository.

Crater Download

Next, I want to download Crater. To do this, I check the release page to see which version is the latest. Right now, it is version 6.0.6.

Next, I activate the SSH service and connect to the NAS via SSH.

Enable SSH service

ssh adminusername@{ip-address-from-nas}

I move to the Crater folder.

cd /volume1/docker/crater

Then, I clone the repository.

git clone -b 6.0.6 --single-branch .

All the necessary files should now be in my folder.

I would like to know the UserID of the docker user.

id -u docker

I remember this number as the UserID.

Crater installation

Next, I copy the environment file.

cp .env.example .env

And then I edit it:

vim .env

About Vim: This is a text editor that is pre-installed by default. If you press i, you switch to edit mode. Press esc to exit edit mode again. If you are not in edit mode, you can exit the editor again with :q if you have not changed anything. If you have changed something, you can either save with :x or exit with :q! without saving.

Crater environment variables

.env in Vim

  • I change APP_DEBUG to false
  • I change APP_LOG_LEVEL to info
  • APP_URL I change to my
  • DB_CONNECTION I change to pgsql
  • DB_PORT I change to 5432
  • DB_PASSWORD I change to my password
  • Mail arguments are optional
  • For SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS and SESSION_DOMAIN I enter my domain (without https://).

If you use localhost or the IP address, it looks something like this:


I leave the rest and exit the file with :x.

Database folder

I create two new folders.

mkdir docker-compose/db
mkdir docker-compose/db-backup

Add Postgresql

Then I edit the Dockerfile and change two sections.

vim Dockerfile

# Install system dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    git \
    curl \
    libpng-dev \
    libonig-dev \
    libxml2-dev \
    zip \
    unzip \
    libzip-dev \
    libmagickwand-dev \
    mariadb-client \


# Install PHP extensions
RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql mbstring zip exif pcntl bcmath gd pdo_pgsql


Crater Docker Compose

The next step is to edit the docker-compose.yml.

vim docker-compose.yml
version: "3"

        external: false

        container_name: crater-app
                user: docker
                uid: 1234
            context: ./
            dockerfile: Dockerfile
        image: crater-app
        restart: unless-stopped
        working_dir: /var/www/
            - ./:/var/www
            - ./docker-compose/php/uploads.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/uploads.ini:rw,delegated
            - internal

        container_name: crater-db
        image: postgres:14
        restart: always
            - ./docker-compose/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data:rw,delegated
            POSTGRES_USER: crater
            POSTGRES_PASSWORD: qwertzSMO4Yaqx7tUHhX
            POSTGRES_DB: crater
            - internal

        container_name: crater-db-backup
        image: postgres:14
            - ./docker-compose/db-backup:/dump
            - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
            PGHOST: db
            PGDATABASE: crater
            PGUSER: crater
            PGPASSWORD: qwertzSMO4Yaqx7tUHhX
            BACKUP_NUM_KEEP: 10
            BACKUP_FREQUENCY: 7d
        entrypoint: |
            bash -c 'bash -s <<EOF
            trap "break;exit" SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM
            sleep 2m
            while /bin/true; do
              pg_dump -Fc > /dump/dump_\`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S\`.psql
              (ls -t /dump/dump*.psql|head -n $$BACKUP_NUM_KEEP;ls /dump/dump*.psql)|sort|uniq -u|xargs rm -- {}
              sleep $$BACKUP_FREQUENCY
            - internal

        container_name: crater-redis
        image: redis
        restart: unless-stopped
            - internal

        image: nginx:1.17-alpine
        restart: unless-stopped
            - 8011:80
            - ./:/var/www
            - ./docker-compose/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d/
            - internal

            context: ./
            dockerfile: ./docker-compose/cron.dockerfile
            - ./:/var/www
            - internal

The UID and the password for the database can be customized. The port can also be changed from 8011 to something else. Suppose the Proxy Manager is on the Synology. You can delete it in that case, provided you add nginx to the Proxy Manager network.

Then run sudo docker-compose up -d and wait.

Install Composer

Finally, the start script must be executed.

sudo ./docker-compose/

Crater Installation

I then exit the terminal.


I also switch SSH off again. Turn off SSH service

Crater WebGUI

Now, I either call the IP address from the NAS with port 8011 or set up a proxy host.

I adjust a few of the values.

The database is pgsql, port 5432 and host db. The rest should be self-explanatory.


If you want to back up your data in the cloud, this is easy to do on a Synology DiskStation. To do this, install the Cloud Sync program from the Package Center.

Cloud Sync

With this, I set up a new task that should synchronize the folders docker-compose/db-backup and docker/compose/php with Google Drive or Microsoft One Drive etc.

Cloud Sync Task

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