
Paperless-ngx Version 1.6.0

Paperless-ngx has been released.

Paperless-ngx Version 1.6.0-heroimage


Please note that this blog post was originally written in German and has been translated for your convenience. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, there may be translation errors. I apologize for any discrepancies or misunderstandings that may result from the translation and I am grateful for any corrections in the comments or via mail.

Paperless is a popular open-source document management system.


On January 1, 2017, version 0.3.0 was released. About a year later, the program was stable enough that version 1.0.0 was released on January 6, 2018. The original developer, Daniel Quinn, no longer had to search through dusty folders for his documents. After two years, he finally ended development with version 2.7.0 (released on January 27, 2019).

Development continued through a fork named Paperless-ng. Jonas Winkler thought the changes were too significant to be merged into the original repository. Paperless-ng changed many things both on the surface and under the hood. NG stands for both Angular (the framework used for the frontend) and next-gen. The first pre-release was on November 18, 2020; shortly after, the first stable version was released on January 21, 2021.

Unfortunately, this project now seems to be no longer maintained. There’s a pile-up of unaddressed issues (196) and pull requests (46). The last version of Paperless-ng was on August 22, 2021. The last commit was on September 14, 2021. 1.5.0 is the last release that I am currently using.

The Paperless-ng community pondered how to proceed in the long term, resulting in two main forks in 2022: Paperless-reborn and Paperless-ngx.

Now, only the repository from Paperless-ngx exists. Version 1.6.0 has been online for three days. It is a beta version that can be tested.

Installation with Docker

Example of a docker-compose file with paperless-ngx:

version: "3.4"

        external: false

        container_name: paperless-redis
        image: redis:6.0
            - internal
        restart: unless-stopped

        container_name: paperless-db
        image: postgres:13
            - internal
        restart: unless-stopped
            - ./db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
            POSTGRES_DB: paperless
            POSTGRES_USER: paperless
            POSTGRES_PASSWORD: paperless

        container_name: paperless
            - internal
        restart: unless-stopped
            - db
            - broker
            - 8010:8000
            test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:8000"]
            interval: 30s
            timeout: 10s
            retries: 5
            - ./data:/usr/src/paperless/data
            - ./media:/usr/src/paperless/media
            - ./export:/usr/src/paperless/export
            - ./consume:/usr/src/paperless/consume
            PAPERLESS_REDIS: redis://broker:6379
            PAPERLESS_DBHOST: db
            USERMAP_UID: 1000
            USERMAP_GID: 100
            PAPERLESS_OCR_LANGUAGES: eng deu
            PAPERLESS_SECRET_KEY: pa6lHUuc1W8PQWdsP6wXViH1cJoKV38zj9ixRkDeTv3Q0iX8O9pNdq9GVXIqH6gilf4uV18vVy5KTeLAvghbkBbZz9ZsF9g5jmx50pvY6xghCPVaDkkf2CxbG4sYNmJKG8mPw4JbtXepaZcyYlx2235aYryStkthcWXTZBvmC0hu0TM0cudlw0iwACAOcIRGLmnTLWVB
            PAPERLESS_TIME_ZONE: Europe/Berlin
            PAPERLESS_FILENAME_FORMAT: "{created_year}/{correspondent}/{title}"

Synology Docker GUI

I was able to update a paperless-ng:1.5.0 instance without any visible issues. However, a backup should be made beforehand in this case. A user must still be created if this is an entirely new container without data from the last version.

docker exec -it paperless python3 createsuperuser

More about the installation can be found here:

Installation on Ubuntu
Installation on Synology


At first glance, not much has changed. There is a new logo.

Dashboard von paperless-ngx

Among other things the following changes are included in version 1.6.0:

  • Documentation, scripts, CI, and containers for paperless-ngx updated.
  • Updated Python and Angular dependencies.
  • Loading indicator when the document list is being reloaded.
  • Improved PDF viewer on mobile.
  • ‘any’ / ‘all’ and ‘not’ tag filtering is now possible.
  • Warnings for unsaved changes added.
  • “Move to Trash” functionality added.
  • The search field overlay menu on mobile was updated.
  • Usernames in the login form are no longer auto-capitalized.
  • Timeout is configurable with PAPERLESS_WORKER_TIMEOUT.
  • Fixed errors with downloads of UTF-8 formatted documents in Firefox.
  • Fixed uploading issues with transparent PNGs.
  • Corrected missing export groups.

If you encounter any bugs in the beta, you can create an issue.

Have you tried the new version yet?

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